Young NHL Network Seminar Series

Jamie D Matthews March 23, 2023 [announcements] #announcement #seminars

Our seminar series offers members a friendly space to informally present current work. These presentations can include research presentations, case-based discussions, journal club-style discussions, and more!

The seminars take place virtually on the last Wednesday of every month at 5-6pm UK GMT (6-7pm CET).

Please do get in touch if you would like to attend or present - we’d love to hear from you!

Upcoming schedule

29th March

Dr Marta Farraresso, post-doctoral researcher, University of Cambridge

Improving global treatment outcomes for children with Burkitt Lymphoma

Dr Lucy Hare, clinical PhD student, University of Cambridge

Incorporating novel agents into the treatment of paediatric ALCL: a summary of the results of the COG trial ANHL12P1

3rd May

Speakers TBC

31st May

Speakers TBC

28th June

Speakers TBC

26th July

Speakers TBC

30th August:

Speakers TBC