Young NHL Network Seminar Series *Session One*

Jamie D Matthews March 29, 2023 [announcements] #announcement #seminars

This was the first seminar in our brand new young NHL network seminar series. The aim of these sessions is to provide a friendly space for members to informally present their research, recent papers and/or case reports and ask for feedback and suggestions. The sessions will allow others to learn about the wide range of paediatric NHL research that is taking place throughout the network.

This week we had presentations from two of our founding committee; Dr Lucy Hare and Dr Marta Ferraresso. We had 14 attendees (see picture) from Germany, UK, Vienna and Czech Republic.

Lucy Hare started by giving an introduction about how clinical trials are designed and run in the UK, sparking an interesting discussion about the differences between paediatric clinical trials compared to the adult counterpart. She then went on to describe a recent ALCL trial (COG trial ANHL12P1) in which the standard chemotherapy regimen ALCL99 was combined with either the ALK-inhibitor crizotinib or the antibody drug conjugate Brentuximab vedotin. This led to more interesting discussions about what the future may hold for both first line and relapsed ALCL therapy in the future.

Marta Ferraresso then gave an introduction to her research on endemic Burkitt Lymphoma and her work in collaboration with the Ugandan Cancer Institute in Kampala. She explained how her project aims to work with the cancer centre in Uganda to i. develop better tools to track and assess the development and treatment of Burkitt Lymphoma with novel biomarkers and ii. create better models of endemic Burkitt Lymphoma to enable better assessment of new treatment strategies for children with Burkitt Lymphoma. She was and is keen to chat to people about her research and would welcome any suggestions, so please get in touch with her if you are interested in her project and have any ideas!

We look forward to seeing you at the next seminar on the 3rd May. Please get in touch if you are interested in presenting in the future! Our email is:

Eight screenshotted zoom panels showing 8 YNHLN members smiling at the webcam